Above and beyond all of our existing river related safety protocols, we at Big Muddy Adventures are adding these additional guidelines and procedures as it relates to COVID-19:

Pre-trip screening

  • Do not plan on attending a trip with BMA if you or a member of your party is ill, exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, or have been exposed to COVID-19 in the past 14 days. 

  • All BMA guests will be subject to a pre-trip screening that includes a contactless temperature check. 

Face Masks / Coverings 

  • We encourage all guests to wear face masks/coverings per CDC recommendations

  • Face masks/coverings may be required by participants in instances when social distancing is not possible. 

Employee Screening & Prevention 

  • Daily employee pre-shift health screenings, including a temperature check. 

  • Employees are required to wear face masks/coverings in all departments, when social distancing is not possible. 

  • Work from home encouraged and rescheduling all in-person meetings to digital, when possible. 

Social Distancing 

  • BMA encourages all staff, guides, and guests to maintain appropriate social distance whenever possible. 

  • All passengers who choose to use our shuttle service will be required to wear face masks/coverings for the duration of the shuttle ride. All drivers and guides will be required to do the same.

Increased Cleaning & Sanitization 

  • Additional cleaning/sanitization/disinfection protocols for guest, vehicles, shared and specialty equipment. 

  • All shuttles will be sanitized prior to and after passenger usage.

Group Size  

  • Reduced group sizes on trips